On January 24th, ‘8th Anniversary of the January 24th HWPL Day of Peace’ was held

 On January 24th, the ‘8th Anniversary of the January 24th HWPL Day of Peace,’ which was the international peace conference celebrating the Peace Day, was held virtually and over 22,000 social representatives from 51 countries attended. The event commemorated a civilian-led peace agreement made between the Islam and Catholic communities in Mindanao 8 years ago.

The event, under the theme of “Law of Peace in Heaven and on Earth”, aimed to promote interfaith harmony between religions and raise public support to establish an international law for peace.

“Our purpose is to bring all people in the world together to create a world of peace and leave it as a lasting legacy for future generations. To make this world a peaceful place without wars, let us become messengers of peace. Let us remind people around the world of that emotion—a longing for peace—and of the Peace Day so they can remember all of this forever,” said Chairman Lee during the closing remarks.

you can see more detail : https://bit.ly/3OAOpUm


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