HWPL and the chairman ManHee Lee's LP project
LP Project is an abbreviation of "Legislate Peace Project". The LP project started off as the Sign Your Support campaign, which was launched to promote the value of the DPCW as a solution for achieving global peace and urge different sectors of society to support this declaration. The campaign expanded into various forms of peace events and activities tailored to regions around the world, including seminars, forums, peace walks, and education. The LP project offers each individual in the global community the opportunity to become the agent for peace. Anyone who wants peace can participate in leaving a legacy of peace for future generations through the LP project. The follwing is the status of the main activities of the LP project. 1. Sign Your Support Campaign 2. Peace Letter Campaign 3. Peace Walk Campaign 4. Spreading a Culture of Peace Campaign If you want peace and want to leave a legacy of peace for future generations, you could participate the HWPL's LP project. HW...